Player Businesses

Player Businesses

FSNextGen has an array of business opportunities available for players who have interest in both supporting the project and having a new layer of depth added to their experience. Any player business requires a Silver or above donator club membership to be active, and all player business types are capped at a maximum of 10. If the type of business you want is currently at it’s cap, you can request to be put on a waiting list!

Additionally, it’s highly advised you take a look at our Geography Matters! article as it highly pertains to most all forms of player businesses.

Note: If you run a player business, you cannot do any dealings with your own farm, it’s a conflict of interest!


Banks are a key feature in FSNextGen. In-game loans are disabled, and player banks provided capital to help farms expand their horizons.

Getting Started: Player Bank

Commodity Broker

Commodity brokers help farms connect with buyers around the globe, providing a means for farms everywhere to export their raw goods to a larger marketplace than their own local sell points.

Getting Started: Player Commodity Broker


Dealerships help provide player farms with the ability to acquire all kinds of equipment at reasonable prices, while also offering used and trade-in services, and leasing options to their fellow players.

Getting Started: Player Dealership

Insurance Agency

Insurance agencies help farmers prepare for the unexpected. Whether it’s liability insurance for farm workers and facilities, crop insurance against the turmoil of mother nature, asset insurance for vehicles or any combination thereof, insurance agencies are there to help.

Getting Started: Player Insurance Agency

Land Broker

Land brokers work with the government to acquire land for periods of time for agricultural use and sustainability. They then take these acquired lands and lease them to player farms. In addition, they also help link player farms with one another for the purpose of subletting owned fields.

Getting Started: Player Land Broker


It’s inevitable that with time and use, things will come into disrepair. This is where mechanics come in. While farms can get by with basic repairs and slow inspections, mechanics provide trained professionals who can get the job done quickly, handling simple to complex cases and doing it efficiently.

Getting Started: Player Mechanic

REMINDER: You can supplement business income by transferring farm funds into your business to get it going from your farm.

(You cannot take farm funds out, but earn a CEO check every 30 days based on margins.)

In addition, all starter player businesses receive a starter loan from the Central Bank at a very low interest rate & long term, be sure to use these starting funds wisely and remember repayments happen daily!

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