Logging Career System
We have designed a unique system for those interest in part of full time logging and tree management operations. This system is highly regulated so please thoroughly read and understand the principles of it before committing to one of these ventures, as fines can be steep for non-compliance!
Career Paths
There are 3 career paths in the logging career. They are as follows…
Decorator License: This license authorizes you to plant saplings of a specified type in areas for other farmers at a upcharge fee. This license also authorizes you to provide services to other servers in this nature.
Production License: This license authorizes you to plant arable plot(s) with trees under controlled and regulated management for the purposes of production or raw sale. This license can only be used on a server you have a farm slot on.
Management License: This license authorizes you to harvest and replant natural standing wood from maps. This license can be used on a server you have a slot on, or if you have progressed enough, you can provide services to other servers.
Each license requires progression over time. The following table shows each license type, and xp required for classing.
Decorator | Production | Management |
C1 = 200 Combined XP | C1 = 100 Combined XP | C1 = 0xp |
C2 = 1000xp | C2 = 500xp | C2 = 250xp |
C3 = 2500xp | C3 = 1,500xp | C3 = 1000xp |
C4 = 4,000xp | C4 = 5,000xp | C4 = 2,500xp |
C5 = 5,000xo | C5 = 10,000xp | C5 = 5,000xp |
How is XP Gained?
XP is gained in the follow manners. XP can only be applied to the category listed.
Activity | XP Category | XP Gain |
(Fell + Replace) | Management | 5 x Tree Level (Base Map = 1x) |
(Fell Only) | Management | 1 x Tree Level |
(Plant) | Production | 1x Tree Level |
(Plant Decorative) | Decorator | 10x Tree Level |
How-To: Management License
To begin a management license, which is the first attainable, you will need to own atleast 1 plot that is designated as a forestry plot.
From your farm management page, you will need to request a logging permit for this plot along with how many trees you wish to do.
Note that the first time you log a parcel of it’s trees, it will not be counted at the XP rate of the tree type, but at 1x rate.
Once the permit request is in, an audit will be done and trees will be marked with a marking color (That will be relayed to you) verifying those trees are clear to cut, and at that time your tree surcharge will be added to your next tax bill (Based on the amount and type of trees being cut).
Once trees have been marked you are clear to log them between December & February, and it must be done within 2 game years of permit acquisition, so only get a permit for the amount of trees you can handle!
Once the trees have been felled AND replaced (Management Policy), you will mark the permit as complete and a closing audit will be conducted to ensure everything is up to par.
NOTE: You can only replace with trees you are qualified to plant. So if you cut a lodgepole but are a class 1, you must replace with a level 1 straight tree (aspen) - Staff will provide your farm with the saplings in game based on your needs and will charge your farm for this.
How-To: Production License
To begin a production license, you will need to own atleast 1 arable plot that you wish to change into a tree management plot.
Once you have a plot picked, you must submit a tree management request which will then trigger a survey and a fee assessment to change the land type.
Once you have your completed assessment and fees paid, you will then be authorized to use that plot for planting purposes.
NOTE: The number of trees MAX per acre is 10. You cannot exceed this amount no matter what.
NOTE: The number of trees YOU can personally plant depends on a couple of factors. Firstly you must be a high enough class to plant the tree, and secondly, the cost & xp need of planting trees varies, and is at a rate of 20 x Tree Class. This means if you have 1,000xp, you could plant 10x Class 5 trees, or 50x Class 1 trees (If you have the overall XP to qualify for that class)
The system will tell you if you have too many trees currently planted for your XP level.
When you are prepared for a harvest, you must designate the trees to be harvested with marking paint, and request a felling audit. An audit will be conducted and a second marking will be applied to verify this, and update the system. You will then have the option of replanting using the above method.
How-To: Decorative License
To begin a decorative license, you must plant trees on other farms. You can only plant trees that you qualify for based on your decorator class. You will be allowed to set your “Setup Fee” and your “Per Tree” cost per customer, and all of this is handled through website.
Once you verify the customer request, you’ll submit a decorating license with details of the planned decor so that it can be approved.
Once approved, you can conduct the work. Once complete, you’ll mark the work complete and be paid and accrue your XP after it has been verified by an auditor.
Logging is only allowed between December 1 and February 2 WITH permits and audits completed.
You can have no more than 5 straight trees (Aspen, Beach, Spruce, Lodgepole, Scotch) down at one time and unloaded, and no more than 10 total between loaded and unloaded (Must be sold if at 10 total before cutting more.)
You can have no more than 1 deciduous tree down at one time and unloaded, and no more than 3 total between loaded and unloaded (Must be sold if at 3 total before cutting more.)
Management operations are always fell + Immediate replant (Before stump is grinded to ensure approximate placement).
Management operations that are fell only must have been cleared with a ‘clearing’ permit, used to make way for a path or building.
Tree Classes & Types
Class | Tree Type | Straight or Manual Process | Growing Days |
1 | Apple Tree | MP | 22 |
5 | American Elm | MP | 44 |
1 | Aspen | S | 77 |
3 | Beech | S | 77 |
2 | Betula Ermanii | MP | 51 |
3 | Boxelder | MP | 39 |
1 | Cherry Tree | MP | 51 |
1 | Chinese Elm | MP | 51 |
1 | Downy Serviceberry | MP | 42 |
2 | Golden Rain | MP | 56 |
2 | Japanese Zelkova | MP | 56 |
5 | Lodgepole Pine | S | 40 |
4 | Northern Catalpa | MP | 96 |
4 | Scotch Pine | S | 120 |
4 | Manchurian Red Pine | MP | 120 |
5 | Oak | MP | 24 |
4 | Shagbark Hickory | MP | 96 |
3 | Tilia Amurensis | MP | 96 |