Recipe Book

Recipe Book

The recipe book is your go-to reference for manufacturing. It will have all items that can currently be produced by you, broken down by factory type or material input. Below is an example of the recipe book screen.

  • In column one, you see the name of the product, an image, how many units are produced per line in an hour, and what NPCs will sell this item for. (Meaning, if you price anywhere below this when selling, you should be able to generate sales.)

  • In column two, you see whichfactory is required to make this item (In this case, the Generic Factory).

  • In column 3, you see the required inputs per hour. Item 1 only needs 1 raw good per hour. Item 2 needs 5 finished good inputs per hour. Item 3 requires 1 raw good and 1 finished good per hour in the quantities specified.

  • In the final column, you see what kind of semi trailer is used to haul the item in question, and how many 1 semi can haul. It should be noted that trains can haul 2x whatever a semi can of an item, and ships can haul 1/2 of what a semi can (Per TEU).

Unlockable Recipes

In the image above you can see an ‘unlocked’ recipe, as designated by the gold outline. Unlocked recipes are not available by default and must be unlocked through Research, which can only be gained for manufacturing recipes by doing manufacturing in a manufacturing subsidiary. The second column shows what research item unlocked the highlighted recipe. Anytime you complete a research with your company that unlocks new recipes, you will receive a notification!

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