Blueprints are a key component to advanced manufacturing. They are not something to consider until you have established yourself as a manufacturing company and are looking to take the next steps. Blueprints can only be used by Manufacturing subsidiaries, and there may be other limitations that require a certain amount of research for you to be able to properly utilize a given blueprint.
What is needed to be Blueprint Ready?
Your company should be a Manufacturing Subsidiary
You should already understand the basics of performing research and gaining research XP
You should have the means and ability to produce the sub components needed for blueprint manufacturing via unlocking recipes and having the means and facilities to produce those subcomponents.
You should have the liquid funding available to perform blueprint finding expeditions or pay those who do.
How do I acquire Blueprints?
The first way is through the Global Market. Players who have received or discovered blueprints have the ability to sell Original Blueprints, or Copy Blueprints (Copy blueprints allow x number of an item to be produced before the copy disappears. In essence, a limited run blueprint)
The second way is via the Special Event, in which the opportunity will be provided to receive a Mystery Blueprint that can be activated to create a blueprint.
The final way is to search for blueprints yourself out in the open world. You do this by a combination of Survey, Salvage and potentially Crane ships, as well as specialized modules and a lot of trial and error to hone your skills at becoming a hunter of blueprints!
How do I use Blueprints?
Once you have a blueprint, you will need the appropriate facility to utilize them such as a Shipyard, Aircraft Factory, etc. From these factories you’ll have the option to produce a finished Ship, Aircraft Etc based on the blueprint(s) you have available. These will require time, money, and subcomponents to complete.
Equipment / Items created via blueprint will bear your company's name as the manufacturer. t’s a great way to get your name out there as the producer of something!
The first time you produce something on a new blueprint, there is a chance it will spawn with some bonus to a various stat. This bonus will persist on all future builds of that blueprint! This creates an opportunity to acquire multiple blueprints, find out which produces the best item, and then sell the spare.
Note: The blueprint system is in an early experimental phase and there is much growth to come. The current article serves as a rough outline to understand how to prepare for, acquire, and utilize blueprints until further documentation is available as this feature comes to fruition.