

In order for your operators to become more effective at their jobs, training is required. Depending on your facilities and equipment, there are multiple training types that can be conducted with an operator. Below is a table that outlines the training types, as well as the requirements to perform that type of training with a given operator.







Anti-Vehicle Training

  • Operator

  • Anti-Vehicle Range Module

  • 3x Anti-Tank Munitions

Improves the accuracy and efficiency of an operator with Anti-Vehicle/Tank weaponry.


  • Operator

  • CQB Shoot House

  • SMG Equipped

  • 250x Pistol Ammunition

CQB training improves the SMG accuracy and efficiency of an operator, while also benefiting their reflexes and perception.

Explosives Training

  • Operator

  • Explosives Training Center

  • 2x Explosive Munitions

Explosives training improves the efficiency in deployment and usage of Explosives by an operator.

Fitness Training

  • Operator

  • Obstacle Course

Fitness training helps to improve the physical disposition of an operator, primarily benefiting their strength and endurance.

General Readiness Training

  • Operator

General Readiness Training is the least effective training, but requires no equipment or facilities. It has chance to improve reflexes, endurance, strength, perception, or hardiness.

Marksman Training

  • Operator

  • Marksman Range

  • Marksman Rifle Equipped

  • 100x Rifle Ammunition

Marksman training is used to improve the accuracy and efficiency of an operators use of marksman rifles.

Rifle Training

  • Operator

  • Rifle Range

  • Rifle Equipped

  • 200x Rifle Ammunition

Rifle training is used to improve the accuracy and efficiency of an operators use of rifles.

Urban Operations

  • Operator

  • MOUT Facility

  • Equipped Weapon

  • 200x Rifle Ammunition

Urban Operations training helps improve a operators skillset in urban terrain, primarily improving their hardiness and perception.

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