Horse Training

Horse Training

This article lists the types of training possible, as well as giving some details and tips on the training process for horses.

  • Basic training must be completed before any advance training can begin. Basic training can be commenced at 6 months old.

  • Advanced training should only be conducted on aspects you have an interest in, as there isn’t much point in training them for something they won’t do!

  • Most horses can be trained 3-5x a day, so checking often can yield faster returns on gaining.

  • A horses diet can impact their weight gain, growth, and training/competitive performance, and each situation is unique, so be sure to look out for this in the future.

  • A horses energy, morale, and diet all contribute to their experience and ability gain from training.

  • Any training that affects multiple traits will gain less per trait than a training designed for one specific trait.

Training Type


Training Type


Basic Foal Training

Used to teach basic leading, haltering, and saddling. Required to be maxed out for any further training to occur. This training is generally faster than any advanced training. Maximum gain possible in a training session is 2.85%.

Arena - Maneuvering

Used to gain dressage trait stats.

Arena - Commands

Used to gain show trait stats.

Arena - Variable

Used to gain dressage & show trait stats.

Track - Short

Used to gain speed trait stats.

Track - Medium

Used to gain speed & stamina trait stats.

Track - Long

Used to gain stamina trait stats.

Trail - Flat

Used to gain canter trait stats.

Trail - Obstacles

Used to gain jumping trait stats.

Trail - Varied

Used to gain jumping and canter trait stats.

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