Horse Breeding
Horse breeding is a vital aspect to running an equine operation. it ties into Horse Genetics completely using the makeup of both horses. We suggest you visit that article if you want to learn more about that aspect. Here we will cover the actual functionality of horse breeding.
Male Horses
Can provide Artificial Insemination (AI) kits, up to one per month. This costs a fee of $250 bux.
Any male horse over 18 months can begin providing AI samples.
AI capacity is one per horse, per month.
There is a small chance the AI sample will not be useable and will need to be discarded.
AI samples are good for 24 months. After 24 months, they will be discarded automatically.
Studding services are possible via AI samples. If you want to make your stallion available for AI sampling to other farms, you will have to set this in the options.
When studding you are able to select the fee amount. Note that studding is only available to other farms if you have atleast 1 AI sample on hand.
Female Horses
A female horse (Mare) must be 4 years old before being able to be bred.
A female horse can attempt to use an AI kit at any point past this age mark.
There is a small chance the AI kit will not take and there will be no pregnancy.
Gestation period is anywhere from 11 to 12 months (RL days).
Gestating horses generally require more feed than non-gestating horses.
Very rarely a horse may carry two foals at once, but this can be risky and may require intervention.
After gestation and birthing is complete, another AI sample may be used.