Advanced Fieldwork
Once you’ve mastered the basics of creating, plowing, growing and harvesting a field, it would be good to get familiar with additional concepts that are part of our virtual world, as they will lend ways for you to get more raw harvest in from the same field size by adopting proper advanced techniques.
Yield Data
The below table shows yield data for various operations conducted. In an ideal world, from fieldwork functions and harvesting within the ideal window and moisture, you can get a bonus 65% to yield. This can be further supplemented by Agricultural Research which may increase yields. Likewise, failing to do things, or letting things get out of balance, harvesting late, or in bad moisture conditions, can lead to yield losses.
Item/Task | Yield Value | Required Equipment |
Liming | Limed Field: + 10% yield |
Fertilization - Non Organic | Fert State 50%: + 15% yield Fert State 100%: + 35% yield |
Fertilization - Organic | Fert State 50%: + 15% yield Fert State 100%: + 45% yield |
pH Range | Within 1 of optimal: + 5% yield. .5 of optimal: + 7.5% yield. .25 of optimal: + 10% yield. Optimal: + 15% yield |
Seasonal | 1st Window: +15% 2nd Window: 0% 3+ Window: -10% per. |
Moisture | Under 2%: -10% yield 2-5%: Base yield 5-10%: + 5% yield. 11%+: -.5% yield per %. |
Farming Perfection Bonus | Non-Organic: +40% yield. Organic: + 60% yield. | Farming perfection is only met when all above criteria are optimal at harvest time. A great way to score a huge bonus! |
Lime is required as part of the normal process of nutrient replacement for a field. After 3 harvests, liming will be required. The amount of lime is dictated by the size of the field, the soil composition, and your farms research knowledge. The pH effect of liming is +.5pH per application.
Soil Type | Base Lime Per Acre |
Clay | 6,796 liters |
Loam | 3,398 liters |
Sandy | 1,699 liters |
Fertilization - Non Organic
Fertilization is an important component to improve the yield of your crops. Fertilization can be performed twice per harvest cycle, and must be within certain windows. Some special circumstances exist for things like orchards.
Soil Type | Solid Per Acre | Liquid Per Acre |
Clay | 50 units (500 liters) | N/A |
Loam | 40 units (400 liters) | N/A |
Sandy | 35 units (350 liters) | N/A |
Fertilization - Organic
For all information regarding organic farming and it’s effects on fertilization and pH levels, please refer to the Organic Farming article.
pH Range
pH range is largely dictated by your crops, and by your fertilization, lime and rotation policies. In general, pH will tend to go down (more acidic) after each harvest, but in some rare instances can raise. Based on what the pH is, and what your next crop is going to be, you may decide to perform some adjustments to keep the range ideal. To see a list of harvestable crops, along with their “Ideal” pH ranges, see the Crop & Harvest Requirements article.
Just as in the real world, Nauts has months and seasons. These seasons correspond to specific months depending on if your farm is in the Northern or Southern hemisphere. There is a time for planting, and a time for harvesting for all crops.
Spring | Summer | Fall | Winter |
N: Mar. - May | N: June - Aug. | N: Sept. - Nov. | N: Dec - Feb. |
S: Sept. - Nov. | S: Dec. - Feb. | S: Mar. - May. | S: June - Aug. |
We also realize that people do have lives outside of a game, and while we like realism, we don’t want missing one harvest window to be debilitating. Therefore, you are able to harvest in ANY harvest window from the first onwards, with a bonus for meeting the optimal first window, a baseline for getting it in the second, and a 10% penalty per harvest window thereafter. This means that even if you didn’t get to a crop for 5 harvest windows, you’d still get 70% of the base yield. Harvest & Planting windows vary by the crops, and will soon be available for viewing in the Crop & Harvest requirements article.
Moisture is another key component to crop harvesting. Crops absolutely cannot be harvested if they are over 20% moisture (This is modifiable higher via research). However, ideal harvesting involves a moisture level of 5-10%. While a farmer cannot control the weather, they can install irrigation and drainage systems to a field to help get their crops to the ideal condition. Irrigation and drainage systems can be turned on and off at will once installed, but may need to be serviced from time to time.
System | Moisture Change | Notes |
Irrigation | Windy: + .25% per hour. Sunny: +.5% per hour. All Other: + 1% per hour. | It’s important to note that weather and soil will play their own roles, and you will have to account for them in your planning. |
Drainage | Non-Rain: -1% per hour. Light Rain: -.5% per hour. Heavy Rain: -.1% per hour. |
Farming Perfection Bonus
The farming perfection bonus is a huge yield bonus granted if and when a farm meets optimal criteria in all fields at the time of harvest on a field. This includes…
100% Fertilization (Organic or Non)
Recently Limed Status
pH Range in crops optimal range.
Seasonal - Harvested in 1st or 2nd harvest window.
Moisture: 5-10% at time of harvest start.
If all the above criteria are met, the field will yield an additional 40% (non organic) to 60% (organic) in addition to any other bonuses!