Company Types
Type | Details | Needs |
Infantry | Ground troops without mobile assets. |
Motorized | Ground troops with supporting mobile wheeled assets like 2 ton trucks or humvee’s. |
Mechanized | Ground troops with supporting infantry fighting vehicles that are generally tracked. |
Artillery | Ground assets that are either towed or self propelled artillery. |
Anti-Air | Ground assets that provide anti-air capabilities via towed or self propelled means. |
Anti-Tank | Ground assets that provide anti-tank capabilities via towed or self propelled means. |
Armor | Armored units such as tanks. |
Engineer | Specialized ground assets that include armored or non-armored units with purposes such as bridging, minelaying/sweeping, fortification etc. |
Paratrooper | Specialized ground troops that can be paradropped into friendly or hostile territory. May include light air-droppable support/mobile assets. |
Logistics | Ground assets that provide supply and repair services to other troops. |
Medical | Ground assets that provide battlefield triage, helping to stem casualty rate in active combat operations. |
Marine Infantry | Infantry trained in amphibious assaults. |
Amphibious Mechanized | Mechanized infantry capable of amphibious landings. |
Amphibious Armor | Armored units capable of amphibious landings. |