Dispatch Building
Dispatch buildings are a great tool to have at hand if you have a growing company and want some help with managing the day to day operations.
Dispatch Center Staffing
Dispatch Centers have the following staff available, and beneath the staff type a brief description of their duties is provided…
Dispatchers are designed to help provide some automated routing to your front line workers. In the current build, dispatchers are focused around semis and semi movements.
Dispatchers effectiveness is dependent on location from the items they are dispatching. A dispatcher handling vehicles in the same country their building is in can do 2x the amount that they can for handling vehicles in another country!
Operations Manager
Operations Managers function at a country level, and can be used to tell any vehicle in their assigned country to fuel at a certain tank amount and price point, as well as other maintenance items like tires after they reach a certain percentage etc.
Dispatch Staffing Capacities & Requirements
Another consideration when building your first dispatch will be how many operations staff it can hold. Every Dispatch has a worker capacity, and this capacity applies to any “Operations” workers hired there. Currently, the limits are as follows.
Notice! You will need to have commercial land of the appropriate amount (Found Below) to construct your Dispatch!