Operations Manager
The Operations Manager is a specialized worker that is hired from the Dispatch building. They are used to help delegate certain things to happen to your operations when specific criteria are met. In order to hire an Operations Manager, you must have an available worker slot in the Dispatch Building you hire from, and you must have enough HR staff to accommodate the addition of another “Operations” category worker.
Currently, Operations Managers can only Manage Semi Operations!
Hire From Your HQ Building
Hiring from your Dispatch is generally the fastest, and cheapest route to get a new Operations employee. However, you will want to note that a employee hired from your Dispatch will be a “basic” worker you get off the street, and thus has the minimal skill set.
Hire From A Hiring Agency
Hiring from a Hiring Agency may take a little longer as you will have to find the right worker and possibly have them transported, and it likely will be more expensive, but it will grant you an opportunity to get a more experienced worker who can handle more tasking.
Hiring Agencies are NOT live yet!
To set a task for your Operations Manager, you need to navigate to your Dispatch Building. Once there, you will find them in your worker list, and click the “Edit Tasking Link”.
Once you have pressed that link, the following form will appear. Simply fill it out with your desired parameters and submit. This will lock in the new ruleset.
NOTE! A Operations Manager can only handle 1 country at a time. If you have them tasked with a country and give them a new country, the prior country will no longer be managed! 1 Per Country!