Frontline Troops

Frontline Troops

Frontline troops form the backbone of any larger PMC operation that handles not only specialized small operations, but larger and even global level events. Below you’ll find a multitude of informational articles regarding the Frontline troop system for PMC companies.

  • To begin frontline operations, you must have atleast 250rp and the private mobilization research level 1 completed.

  • Level 1 allows up to 1 division of troops (64 companies), each subsequent level allows 2x divisions, with Level 10 removing the cap completely.

  • Frontline troops are trained based on a company requisition, meaning unlike SpecOps Operators, individual training is not required, but the troops are trained specifically into their role.

  • Training time can be varied and additional exercises can be completed to help ensure a higher level of default training.

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