Prototype Testing

Prototype Testing

Once you have made a Prototype BPO (PBPO), you will have the option to either “Lock” the item, therefore turning it into a BPO, or full production item. The other option is to conduct Theoretical or Physical research on the item. Each Prototype has a Research Ability which correlates to how many times research can be done to it, once this is expended, the only option will be to lock the item into BPO status, which then makes it a full production item costing 1x time and 1x material cost to build, instead of the 2x time and 2x material it costs to manufacture in prototype status. Prototype testing can be great for improving a design before finalizing.

Test Type

Eligible Components

Cost & Potential Gains

Test Type

Eligible Components

Cost & Potential Gains



Cost: 5 Points

Gain: 1-3 points in stat specified.

Engine Test
Requires Engine Test Bracket

Requires 1 Built Engine, 1000 liters of appropriate fuel.


Cost: 5 Points


If successful

1-3 Relia, Dura, Efficiency

If unsuccessful

.25-.5 Relia, Dura, Efficiency

Aerodynamic Pressure Test

Requires Aerodynamic Pressure Test Bracket


Requires 1 Built Prototype Component of type to be tested.

0-5,000 Pts

Frame, Fuel Tank

5,000-10,000 Pts.

Above + Sensors, Payloads

10,000-15,000 Pts.

Above + Recovery, Safety

15,000 + Pts.

Above + Cargo Pod, Crew Capsule, Maneuver System.

Cost: 3 Points

Gain: 1-3 in Reliability, Durability and Efficiency

Full Static Fire NOT LIVE

Requires Aerodynamic Pressure Test Pad

Requires Rocket Design with Prototype Built


Cost: 5 Points to each Prototype


If successful

1-3 Relia, Dura to all

If unsuccessful

.25-.5 Relia, Dura, to all

Prototype Launch NOT LIVE

Requires Launch Pad

Requires Rocket Design with Prototype Built


Cost: 10 Points to each Prototype


.1-.15 Durability per second of powered flight.

.05-.1 Reliability per second of powered flight

Capped at 5 point gain per flight.

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