Prototype Research

Prototype Research

In order to construct anything in the Aerospace realm, you will first need to build prototypes for components. Before you can begin creating prototypes, you have to have the subsequent specialized/industry research completed. This will unlock the “Base” designs that you can make prototypes from.

Prototype Research Notes

  • Prototype research is expensive! The fastest research is 50x the cost of 1 unit, the most expensive is 150x the cost of 1 unit. Keep this in mind!

  • Familiarity Bonus: You will gain a slight bonus to base stat chances with each prototype of the same type/category developed. So if you develop 3 small engine prototypes, the 3rd will have the best chance of better starting stats, but again, that is not a guarantee, as even your first could end up better than your third!

Prototype Production Notes

  • When a prototype has had initial research, but has not yet been locked in, it can be manufactured as a “Prototype”.

  • Prototypes manufacture half as fast and take twice as many materials as a production ready component.

  • You should only build prototypes if you have a facility to do practical testing on that component, otherwise you are wasting materials.








Ensure you have unlocked a design through research.



Navigate to

Interactions > Business Ops > Storage Research



Click the “Design Aerospace Prototype” button.


Fill out the form completely, following all instructions and requirements!



Once the prototype is developing, it’s status will change. The date under “Developing” is when the prototype will be finished with initial research.



Once your prototype has returned to “Idle” status, you will have the ability to

A.) Lock it in (You should wait to do this until you can do no more research!)

B.) Perform theoretical research (Early on most components will require you to do this, it is not the best method, but is what you use until you have better methods for that component.)

C.) Perform practical research through testing.


Theoretical Research

Once your prototype has been completed, your research teams can conduct theoretical research. This is research that does not require any additional funding, or any physically built prototypes. This means it’s cheaper and quicker, but comes at a cost of using more research ability for a potentially smaller gain to a stat. Theoretical research costs 5 Research Ability points, and can gain 1-3% in the chosen statistic for the prototype chosen.

Practical Research

Practical research is able to be performed through testing brackets and pads. If your facilities has these capabilities, you may be able to conduct them, which is a more efficient and effective way at better stats when locking in a BPO. Learn more about practical research here.


Notes Regarding Prototype Research

  • COST. Cost is an important factor, as even a cheap prototype of something like a basic small fuel tank with hasty research is $2.25m!

  • Speed & Cost. Hasty research is faster and cheaper, but will mean the prototype is likely to have worse starting stats. Paying for thorough research gives a “chance” of better starting stats, but NOT a guarantee.

  • “Most Important Feature” should be thought about for each component. On something like an engine you may want to look at efficiency or reliability. For a frame you may want to look at weight or durability. Pick what makes the most sense for your operational plans!

  • Prototype Name. This is a unique name to your prototype. You can use letters, numbers, spaces and hyphens. Come up with a naming schema that makes sense for when you have more than 1 design! Also remember, no vulgar or inappropriate names.

  • Research Facility. This picks which facility will do the research. The more researchers you assign, the faster the prototype will be developed.

  • Perfection is nice, but not always achievable. You may not have stats you love, but building a rocket that launches 1 times out of 3 without blowing up is still 33% more income and research points than if you kept burning money trying for perfect!

Above are the stats of a “Locked” prototype, meaning no more research can be done and it can be manufactured as a normal product.


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