Launch Complex Modules

Launch Complex Modules

The following is a list of Launch Complex Modules. These modules are only constructible at a launch complex. They do not require extra acreage however how many you can have per complex is limited. They are essential to operating a launch complex.

Aerodynamic Pressure Test Bracket - $50,000,000.00

(7 Day Construction Time - 250 Min. Practical Knowledge)

This is the aerodynamic pressure test bracket. It is used to conduct pressure and practical testing on various component prototypes for your aerospace craft.

Aerodynamic Pressure Test Pad - $200,000,000.00

(30 Day Construction Time - 2,500 Min. Practical Knowledge)

This is the aerodynamic pressure test pad. It is designed to test multiple component prototypes at once after they have been assembled. NOT LIVE


Astronaut Training Facilities - $1,000,000,000.00

(30 Day Construction Time - 2,500 Min. Practical Knowledge)

This is the astronaut training facility. It is used to hire and train astronauts for your aerospace company. Partially LIVE

Non-Cryo Tank Farm - $50,000,000.00


(7 Day Construction Time - 0 Min. Practical Knowledge)

This tank farm is for non-cryogenic propellant, and enables the fueling and defueling of rockets for static fires or launches using non-cryogenic propellants. There is a limit of 6 tank farms per launch complex, in any combination.

Non-Cryo Storage Small - $10,000,000.00

(7 Day Construction Time - 0 Min. Practical Knowledge)

This is a storage tank for non-cryogenic propellant. It can hold a maximum of 50,000 liters. There is a limit of 6 tank storages per launch complex, in any combination.

Non-Cryo Storage Large - $25,000,000.00

(14 Day Construction Time - 0 Min. Practical Knowledge)

This is a storage tank for non-cryogenic propellant. It can hold a maximum of 250,000 liters. There is a limit of 6 tank storages per launch complex, in any combination.

Cryo Tank Farm - $250,000,000.00

(30 Day Construction Time - 1,500 Min. Practical Knowledge)

This tank farm is for cryogenic propellant, and enables the fueling and defueling of rockets for static fires or launches using cryogenic propellants. There is a limit of 6 tank farms per launch complex, in any combination.

Cryo Storage Small - $25,000,000.00

(10 Day Construction Time - 1,500 Min. Practical Knowledge)

This is a storage tank for cryogenic propellant. It can hold a maximum of 50,000 liters. There is a limit of 6 tank storages per launch complex, in any combination.

Cryo Storage Large - $100,000,000.00

(30 Day Construction Time - 1,500 Min. Practical Knowledge)

This is a storage tank for cryogenic propellant. It can hold a maximum of 250,000 liters. There is a limit of 6 tank storages per launch complex, in any combination.

Comms Array - $50,000,000.00

(14 Day Construction Time - 0 Min. Practical Knowledge)

This is a communications array. It is an essential piece of equipment for communicating with spacecraft, even for simple remote maneuvers or destruct sequences. A comms array can handle communications with up to 10 spacecraft at one time. There is a limit of 3 per launch complex.

Communications Satellite - $100,000,000.00

(21 Day Construction Time - 1,500 Min. Practical Knowledge)

The communications Satellite is for establishing communications with crewed missions in atmosphere or within Earths orbit. Each satellite can maintain contact with 5 crewed missions. There is a limit of 3 per launch complex.

Deep Space Communications Satellite - $250,000,000.00

(30 Day Construction Time - 3,000 Min. Practical Knowledge)

The deep space communications satellite is for establishing communications with crewed and non-crewed missions beyond Earth orbit. They can maintain communications with 5 spacecraft missions. There is a limit of 3 per launch complex.

Engine Test Bracket - $25,000,000.00

(5 Day Construction Time - 0 Min. Practical Knowledge)

The engine test bracket is used to conduct static fire tests of prototype engines. This allows prototypes to potentially gain progress in all four statistics (weight, reliability, durability, efficiency). There is a limit of 3 per Launch Complex.

Landing Pad - $100,000,000.00

(21 Day Construction Time - 4,500 Min. Practical Knowledge)

This is a landing pad. It is designed to capture return trip craft that have either a Recovery System III or Recovery System IV.

Recovery & Refurbishment Center - $500,000,000.00

(30 Day Construction Time - 500 Min. Practical Knowledge)

This is the recovery and refurbishment center. This is where your recovery teams operate recovery operations hauling used components back to your site and then refurbishing them.


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