The Exchange
This page concerns the Exchange. This is where raw and finished goods can be sold wholesale between Nauts and to various NPCs, and also where you find end level products like vehicles, ships, etc.
Finding Goods/Materials
Placing Orders
Shipping Goods/Materials
Checking/Updating Orders
Private Sales
In order to buy or sell a good you must go to a city details page first for raw or finished goods. Do so using the raw/material search options.
The Trade history button will be going away as the recent trades will now be posted on homepage.
The Homepage
This is a view of the homepage. Below you can find a description of what each button is and what it’s purpose is.
Exchange Home - Use this button to navigate back to the homepage of the exchange.
Goods Search - This is used to hunt for raw or finished goods, simply fill out the field with as much, or as few parameters as you’d like and it search.
Shipping Logs - This button will take you to the area where you can track your current outstanding shipments and their progress, including who has taken the item and whether it has been delivered or picked up.
Trade History - This is where you can view the most recent transactions for your company both buying and selling in the GE.
Goods Data - This screen is useful to help find the highest sell points, and lowest sell points for a particular raw good, as well as giving the pricing information for your city of choice. This tool is useful for finding potential good places to buy and sell!
Global Market - This is where you would shop for end product items like building construction kits, vehicles, ships and more.
Raw Warehousing - This is a way to view your various warehouses containing raw goods, and if you drill down to a specific warehouse, you can set up buy or sell orders for those goods.
Material Warehousing - This is a way to view your various warehouses containing finished goods, and if you drill down to a specific warehouse, you can set up buy or sell orders for those goods.