Manufacturing Research
This is the Manufacturing research page. Here you can see the available research tree for a Manufacturing company.
Note: Some research items are not yet in, or partially in.
Name | Requirements | Benefits |
Aerospace Manufacturing |
Construction Manufacturing |
Distribution Economics | L1: 1,500pts. L2: 3,000pts. L3: 5,000pts. L4: 7,500pts. L5: 10,000pts. |
Electronics Manufacturing |
Factory Line Automation | L1: Practical 100pts. L2: Practical 500pts. |
Factory Maintenance Life | L1: None L2: Practical 500pts. |
Factory Power Use |
Gr. Transport Manufacturing |
Military Manufacturing |
Modular Facilities |
Orbital Platforms |
Production Think Tank |
Sealane Manufacturing |
Structure Manufacturing |
Waste Reduction |