PMC Research

PMC Research







Aircraft Warfare

L1: 3500pts.

L2: 6000pts.

  • Each level increases survivability by 2% of aircraft units who are hit with an otherwise fatal blow.

  • Each level provides a 2% boost to aircraft operational stats.

Armored Warfare

L1: 1000pts.

L2: 2500pts.

L3: 5000pts.

L4: 7500pts.

  • Each level increases survivability by 2% of armored units who are hit with an otherwise fatal blow.

  • Each level provides a 2% boost to armored operational stats.

Artillery Warfare

L1: 1500pts.

L2: 3000pts.

L3: 5000pts.

  • Each level increases maximum engagement range of artillery units by 2%.

  • Each level provides a 2% higher probability of a direct hit.

Combined Arms

L1: 1500pts.

L2: 3000pts.

L3: 5000pts.

L1: Various infantry squads can work together.

L2: Infantry + Light Armored/IFV

L3: Above + Artillery

L4: Above + Armored

L5: Above + Helicopters
L6: Above + Aircraft

L7: Above + Naval Support

Electronic Warfare

L1: 2500pts.

L2: 5000pts.

  • Each level increases range of EW capabilities by 2%.

  • Each level increases effectiveness of EW capabilities by 2%.

Infantry Warfare

L1: 50pts.

L2: 250pts.

L3: 500pts.

L4: 1500pts.

L5: 3000pts.

L6: 6000pts.

  • Each level increases survivability by 2% of operators who are hit with an otherwise fatal blow.

  • Each level provides a 2% boost to infantry operational stats.

Intelligence Gathering

L1: 3000pts.

L2: 4500pts.

  • Each level increases basal intelligence info by 2.5%

  • Recon Drones unlocked at L1

  • Recon Aircraft unlocked at L3

  • Recon Satellites unlocked at L5

Operational Planning

L1: 2500pts.

L2: 3500pts.

  • Each level unlocks 1 additional squad or support brigade per operation.

  • Prolonged Operations Unlock at Level 5.

Strategic Operations

L1: 250 Points.

L2: 1000 points.

L3: 2000 points.

L4: 3500 Points.

L5: 5000 points.

L6: 7500 points.

L1: Provide Anti-Piracy Support (Aboard Ship)

L2: Provide Sonobuoy Support

L3: Provide QRF Support (Anti Piracy + Riot/Protest + Emergency Situations)

L4: Provide Fire Support to other Players.

L5: Provide Peacekeeping Troops

L6: Provide Warfare Divisions

Training Regiments

L1: 500pts.

L2: 1500pts.

L3: 3000pts.

L4: 6000pts.

  • Each level grants a 2.5% bonus to training speed.

  • Each level grants a 5% boost to training effectiveness.

VTOL Warfare

L1: 3000pts.

L2: 5000pts.

  • Each level increases survivability by 2% of helicopters who are hit with an otherwise fatal blow.

  • Each level provides a 2% boost to helicopter operational stats.

Combat Support



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