T2 Ship Modules

T2 Ship Modules

Below is a table of all possible ship modules with their purposes, their base stats, and basal requirements.


Requirements (Per HS)



Requirements (Per HS)


Active Sensor

Gollastrium x 150

Linestrium x 400

Stralonite x 500

Power Use: 0.35

Crew Need: 0.15

  • Targeting size = HS / 5

  • Tracking Range = 1mkm per HS.

  • Hull targeting has several options where you can decrease or increase targeting size for a reduction in range.

Bay - Drone

Gollastrium x 100

Jastranium x 250

Rostium x 1000

Power Use: 0.2

Crew Need: 0.2

  • Capacity is 1.5m3 per HS.

Bay - Fighter

Gollastrium x 500

Jastranium x 1250

Rostium x 3350

Power Use: 0.25

Crew Use: 0.25

  • Capacity is 0.9 HS per HS

Bay - Large Ship


  • Capacity is 0.8 HS per HS

Bay - Ship


  • Capacity is 0.7 HS per HS

Cargo Bay

Habalon x 250

Jastranium x 500

Rostium x 3350

Power Use: 0.10

Crew Need: 0.05

  • Capacity 10m3 per HS.

Cloaking Device

Gollastrium x 1000

Mythallium x 500

Stralonite x 250

Power Use: 0.35

Crew Need: 0.25

  • Disuse time = HS * 2

  • Max Cloak = 100x HS

Crew Quarters

Habalon x 350

Jastranium x 750

Linestrium x 150

Power Use: 0.25

Crew Need: 0.01

  • 3 Crew Per HS base capacity.

  • Base deployment time 15 months. (days)

  • If extended campaign selected, crew capacity decreases to 2 per hs, but deployment time extended to 60 months (days)

Damage Control

Gollastrium x 500

Rostium x 1500

Stralonite x 250

Power Use: 0.5

Crew Need: 0.2

  • Repair PS is .5 per HS.

Dissipation Field

Covallium x 250

Linestrium x 500

Rostium x 1650

Power Use 0.85

Crew Need: 0.15


ELINT Sensor

Gollastrium x 250

Linestrium x 650

Stralonite x 750

Power Use: 0.5

Crew Need: 0.2

  • Targeting size = HS / 2

  • Targeting range = 500kkm per HS.

  • Multiple size adjustments possible for range reduction.

Fire Control System

Habalon x 250

Linestrium x 150

Stralonite x 350

Power Use: 0.35

Crew Need: 0.15

  • Tracking speed = 1000m/s per HS.

  • Tracking range = 100,000km per HS.

  • Tracking size = HS / 5

  • If “Range Priority” selected, range increases by 250% but tracking speed decreases by 80%.

  • If “Speed Priority” selected, range decreases by 80%, but tracking increases by 250%.

Gas Harvester


  • Harvests 1m3 of Gas Per Cycle.

Jump Drive

Lexarium x 100

Rostium x 2350

Vellostrum x 250

Power Use: 2.0

Crew Need: 0.5

  • Jump capacity = 25HS per HS.

Jump Field Generator

Lexarium x 500

Rostium x 5000

Vellostrum x 1250

Power Use: 3.0

Crew Need: 0.75

  • Jump capacity = 125HS per HS.

Jump Fuel Tank

Intransium x 400

Rostium x 3350

Vellostrum x 50

Power Use: 0.1

Crew Need: 0.05

  • Capacity 10,000 units per HS.

Laser Beam

Evallon x 250

Linestrium x 250

Vexornum x 100

Power Use: 0.65

Crew Need: 0.2

  • Range 10,000km per HS

  • Max Damage ~ 150hp per HS.

Laser Capacitor

Fanthium x 200

Intransium x 50

Rostium x 1000

Power Use: 0.1

Crew Need: 0.05

  • Note: HTE = Hits to explode. Each level above 1 increases material cost by 125% per level.

Life Support System

Habalon x 500

Rostium x 2000

Stralonite x 200

Power Use: 0.25

Crew Need: 0.05

  • Note: HTE = Hits to explode. Each level above 1 increases material cost by 150% per level.

  • Capacity = 5 crew per HS.

Mining Drill

Linestrium x 100

Rostium x 1000

Treparium x 250

Power Use: 0.75

Crew Need: 0.35

  • Mining rate = 1m3 per cycle per HS.

Mining Laser

Linestrium x 250

Rostium x 2350

Treparium x 750

Power Use: 1.25

Crew Need: 0.75

  • Mining rate = 2.5m3 per cycle per HS.

Missile Launcher

Evallon x 250

Linestrium x 200

Vexornum x 110

Power Use: 0.45

Crew Need: 0.20

  • Max Missile Size = 1 per HS.

  • If selected ‘box’ launcher, max missile size is 2.5 per HS, but non-reloadable without anchorage.

Missile Magazine

Fanthium x 200

Intransium x 50

Rostium x 1000

Power Use: 0.10

Crew Need: 0.05

  • Note: HTE = Hits to explode. Each level above 1 increases material cost by 125% per level.

Ore Bay

Jastranium x 500

Rostium x 2000

Stralonite x 50

Power Use: 0.20

Crew Need: 0.05

  • Capacity 10000 units (10m3) per HS.

Passive Sensor

Habalon x 150

Linestrium x 200

Stralonite x 300

Power Use: 0.15

Crew Need: 0.10

  • Targeting size = HS / 10

  • Base range = 2.5mkm per HS.

  • Several size adjustment options for range reductions.


Fanthium x 500

Lexarium x 10

Linestrium x 1000

Power Produced: 2.0

Crew Need: 0.20

  • Power Output = +2 per HS.

Probe Launcher

Atraxium x 250

Gollastrium x 100

Linestrium x 250

Power Use: 0.15

Crew Need: 0.10

  • Capacity is 2m3 per HS.

Projectile Magazine

Fanthium x 200

Intransium x 50

Rostium x 1000

Power Use: 0.10

Crew Need: 0.05

  • Note: HTE = Hits to explode. Each level above 1 increases material cost by 125% per level.

Projectile Turret

Evallon x 250

Rostium x 1500

Vexornum x 100

Power Use: 0.6

Crew Need: 0.2

  • Range 35,000km per HS

  • Max Damage ~ 120hp per HS.


Evallon x 250

Rostium x 1000

Vexornum x 100

Power Use: 0.5

Crew Need: 0.1

  • Range 50,000km per HS

  • Max Damage ~ 100hp per HS.

Railgun Magazine

Fanthium x 200

Intransium x 50

Rostium x 1000

Power Use: 0.10

Crew Need: 0.05

  • Note: HTE = Hits to explode. Each level above 1 increases material cost by 125% per level.

Sensor Jammer

Gollastrium x 350

Linestrium x 750

Stralonite x 400

Power Use: 0.35

Crew Need: 0.2

Reduction = 5000km per HS.

Shield Generator

Covallium x 500

Gollastrium x 250

Habalon x 500

Power Use: 1.5

Crew Need: 0.25

  • Generates up to 5,000hp per HS. Regeneration rate of 3hp/s

  • Polarversed = 70% of hp (3,500 per HS), but increased regeneration rate of 5hp/s

  • Consumes 1 unit of Kinetium per HS per minute, taken hourly. Initial startup cost is HS x 500.

Stasis Bay

Linestrium x 250

Stralonite x 100

Zenium x 500

Power Use: 1.5

Crew Need: 0.15

  • Capacity = 10 per HS.

Sublight Engine

Fanthium x 500

Gollastrium x 250

Rostium x 2350

Power Use: 1.0

Crew Need: 0.25

  • Basal thrust 1,200tpu per HS.

  • Efficiency. Each level loses 10% tpu, but gains 5% fuel efficiency.

Sublight Fuel Tank

Intransium x 100

Kinetium x 50

Rostium x 2000

Power Use: 0.05

Crew Need: 0.05

  • Capacity 10,000 units per HS.

Terraforming Module

Gollastrium x 1000

Linestrium x 1000

Paxarium x 250

Power Use: 1.5

Crew Need: 0.5

  • Terraforming Rate = HS / 10

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