Reaching The Stars
This article serves as an introduction to the late-game ability to have your company operate beyond earth. First and foremost there are several criteria which must be met to operate in space.
Requirements To Participate
Company with atleast 25,000 RP.
ISC (Can be attained through ISC market after you have reached 25,000 RP).
Atleast 3 strange ore samples to level 1 to access galactic market.
First Steps
Once you have acquired the above, you will have access to the “Galactic Market”. This is the public market that is available at all public space stations. Here you will want to search for your first ‘Ship’ (If you are not capable of building them, as only Aerospace and Manufacturing can).
In general, most players start with saving up for and buying a mining ship, and then mining locally near that station, selling their ore to the station marketplace, and using those additional funds to build their fleet more.
Important Notes
Manufacturing & Aerospace companies are the only ones who can own stations, and they have higher research requirements to do so.
Industry Specializations
Each company type has specific things it can do in space, and must rely on other companies for other aspects.
Can produce Ships, Stations and Jump Gates.
Can do colony farming operations.
Can excavate Ancient Dig Sites
Can construct colony structures.
Can Build Trade & Supply Routes
Can build ships, stations, and Colony Structures
Can Build Elite Ground Units & Boarding Parties.
Real Estate
Resource Acq
Can build colony mines and gas harvest.
Salvage & Demolition
Can scrap derelict stations and colonies.
Shell Corporation
Can create black markets at stations & colonies.