Ship Building 101

Ship Building 101

This article is intended to help you understand the bare basics of ship design and construction, use it as a rough reference to help get your feet wet with your first couple of builds!


Building Concepts

In Nauts, freedom of choice matters, and you can build ships in a vast number of ways to suit your particular needs, or to fill a gap in the Ship economy you see as a producer. It’s important to note that when you build, you will want to take in consideration both mandatory and recommended features. We highly recommend that you speak with some of the more veteran players for help with your first build, and a spreadsheet never hurts!



Modules must first be designed. Currently researching a module costs 100 ISC per module. A module once researched is valid for any HS Hull Size creation.


Once you have designed all the modules you’ll need (See below for lists of needed and recommended modules), you go to the ship designer. Here you will piece together modules into a workable ship design.

Warning! Currently modules once placed cannot be removed, so you have to delete the entire ship design to make changes. do NOT add additional modules to compensate (like adding more engines arbitrarily, this will make your ship have one large engine then potentially multiple smaller ones, so please ask for advice before attempting more advanced building concepts!). We Highly Recommend using a spreadsheet to design your ship, and then plugging in your design plans to the ship designer on site! If you need help with a sheet, ask your fellow players!


Mandatory Items

All ships in order to be functional must have certain items. They are needed in order to have a ship that actually functions.

  • Life Support

  • Crew Quarters

  • Sublight Engine

  • Sublight Fuel Tank

  • Power Plant

Recommended Items

The following items while not required, are highly recommended for most ship builds.

  • Damage Control (provides maintenance points which are used to repair breakdowns when not at station)

  • Jump Drive & Jump Fuel Tank (provides ability to ‘jump’ between star systems)

Additional Items (Mining)

The following items are recommended if you are going to have a vessel that is used for mining.

  • Mining Drill/Laster (To harvest ore)

  • Ore Bay (To hold harvested ore)

Additional Items (Exploration)

The following items are recommended if you are using a vessel for exploration.

  • Probe Launcher (used to launch probes to discover various anomalies)

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