

This is a deeper dive into the armor, shield and hull mechanics of the great beyond. Here you’ll find information, formulas and tips about techniques to do with various construction strategies.



There are three classes of Armor available. Light, Standard and Heavy. The below table shows the information for each. Every “Layer” of armor adds 2.5% to the total HS, with a reduction of 10%/20% (T2/T3) for light armor.

Armor Type

Build Info


Armor Type

Build Info



  • Requires 100 Habalon per layer * 2.5% of HS

T2: 2,500hp / layer

T3: 5,000hp / layer


  • Requires 100 Rostium per layer * 2.5% of HS

T2: 2,500hp / layer

T3: 5,000hp / layer


  • Requires 250 Rostium & Gollastrium per layer * 2.5% of HS.

T2: 3,750hp / layer

T3: 7,500hp / layer


Shields are designed as an ‘Active’ protection measure, and must be triggered on. Using a shield constitutes a much higher sublight fuel consumption rate, and therefore should only be used when combat is expected or happening. Below are some basic statistics and information on Shield Systems.

Shield Coverage

Regeneration Rate

Fuel Consumption

Shield Coverage

Regeneration Rate

Fuel Consumption


5,000 per HS of Generator

3,500 per HS if Polarversed


3hp/s Standard

5hp/s Polarversed



10,000 per HS of Generator

7,000 per HS if Polarversed


5hp/s Standard

8hp/ Polarversed



Hull is the standard hull that is constructed within the Armor of a ship. It is always a set amount per HS of the ship.

  • T2 Ships: 25hp per HS

  • T3 Ships: 50hp per HS

Notes & Tips

  • Shields provide direct kinetic protection, but are more susceptible to EM spectrum weapon munitions.

  • Armor provides direct kinetic protection, but is more susceptible to Thermal spectrum weapon munitions.

  • Hull is equally vulnerable to all weapon munitions.

  • Armor penetration (And potential hull damage) is determined by the power of the incoming projectile versus the protection of the armor. As armor HP decreases, the odds of a penetrating shot will increase. Armor penetration occurs at a rate of .25% chance per 1% of armor HP damage, and there is an additional 10% chance of a penetrating shot if the weapon that hits has a base damage of more than 5% of the total Armor HP of the ship being hit.

  • In the event of an armor penetrating shot, there is also a small 2.5% chance that it will also penetrate the hull and hit a subsystem.

  • Hull penetration works similar to armor penetration, with a .1% chance per 1% of Hull HP damage, and an additional 10% chance of a penetrating shot if the weapon that hits has a base damage of more than 5% of the total Hull HP of the ship being hit. If a shot penetrates the hull, it will damage a core system like life support, engines, jump drives, weapons magazines, or more. Increasing the “HTK” of these systems can help prevent them from exploding from a single hit.

  • Shield penetration works in the same manner as other penetration types.

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