T3 Ship Modules
Below is a table of all possible ship modules with their purposes, their base stats, and basal requirements.
Module | Requirements (Per HS) | Details |
Active Sensor | Gollastrium x 450 Linestrium x 1,200 Stralonite x 1,500 Power Use: 0.2625 Crew Need: 0.1125 |
Bay - Drone | Gollastrium x 300 Jastranium x 750 Rostium x 3,000 Power Use: 0.15 Crew Need: 0.15 |
Bay - Fighter | Gollastrium x 1,500 Jastranium x 3,750 Rostium x 10,050 Power Use: 0.19 Crew Use: 0.1875 |
Bay - Large Ship |
Bay - Ship |
Cargo Bay | Habalon x 750 Jastranium x 1,500 Rostium x 10,050 Power Use: 0.075 Crew Need: 0.0375 |
Cloaking Device | Gollastrium x 3,000 Mythallium x 1,500 Stralonite x 750 Power Use: 0.75 Crew Need: 0.1875 |
Crew Quarters | Habalon x 1,050 Jastranium x 2,250 Linestrium x 450 Power Use: 0.1875 Crew Need: 0.0075 |
Damage Control | Gollastrium x 1,500 Rostium x 4,500 Stralonite x 750 Power Use: 0.375 Crew Need: 0.15 |
Dissipation Field | Covallium x 750 Linestrium x 1,500 Rostium x 4,950 Power Use 0.6375 Crew Need: 0.1125 |
ELINT Sensor | Gollastrium x 750 Linestrium x 1,950 Stralonite x 2,250 Power Use: 0.375 Crew Need: 0.15 |
Fire Control System | Habalon x 750 Linestrium x 450 Stralonite x 1,050 Power Use: 0.2625 Crew Need: 0.1125 |
Gas Harvester | N/A |
Hacking Module | Mythallium x 1,050 Stralonite x 3,000 Zenium x 1,500 Power Use: 2.0 Crew Need: 3 |
Jump Drive | Lexarium x 300 Rostium x 7.050 Vellostrum x 750 Power Use: 1.5 Crew Need: 0.375 |
Jump Field Generator | Lexarium x 1,500 Rostium x 15,000 Vellostrum x 3,750 Power Use: 2.25 Crew Need: 0.5625 |
Jump Fuel Tank | Intransium x 1,200 Rostium x 10,050 Vellostrum x 150 Power Use: 0.075 Crew Need: 0.0375 |
Laser Beam | Evallon x 750 Linestrium x 750 Vexornum x 300 Power Use: 0.4875 Crew Need: 0.015 |
Laser Capacitor | Fanthium x 600 Intransium x 150 Rostium x 3,000 Power Use: 0.075 Crew Need: 0.0375 |
Life Support System | Habalon x 1,500 Rostium x 6,000 Stralonite x 600 Power Use: 0.1875 Crew Need: 0.0375 |
Mining Drill | Linestrium x 300 Rostium x 3,000 Treparium x 750 Power Use: 0.5625 Crew Need: 0.2625 |
Mining Laser | Linestrium x 750 Rostium x 7,050 Treparium x 2,250 Power Use: 0.9375 Crew Need: 0.5625 |
Missile Launcher | Evallon x 750 Linestrium x 600 Vexornum x 330 Power Use: 0.3375 Crew Need: 0.015 |
Missile Magazine | Fanthium x 600 Intransium x 150 Rostium x 3,000 Power Use: 0.075 Crew Need: 0.0375 |
Ore Bay | Jastranium x 1,500 Rostium x 6,000 Stralonite x 150 Power Use: 0.15 Crew Need: 0.0375 |
Passive Sensor | Habalon x 450 Linestrium x 600 Stralonite x 900 Power Use: 0.1125 Crew Need: 0.075 |
Powerplant | Fanthium x 1,500 Lexarium x 30 Linestrium x 3,000 Power Produced: 5.0 Crew Need: 0.15 |
Probe Launcher | Atraxium x 750 Gollastrium x 300 Linestrium x 750 Power Use: 0.1125 Crew Need: 0.075 |
Projectile Magazine | Fanthium x 600 Intransium x 150 Rostium x 3,000 Power Use: 0.075 Crew Need: 0.0375 |
Projectile Turret | Evallon x 750 Rostium x 4,500 Vexornum x 300 Power Use: 0.45 Crew Need: 0.015 |
Railgun | Evallon x 750 Rostium x 3,000 Vexornum x 300 Power Use: 0.375 Crew Need: 0.015 |
Railgun Magazine | Fanthium x 600 Intransium x 150 Rostium x 3,000 Power Use: 0.075 Crew Need: 0.0375 |
Sensor Jammer | Gollastrium x 1,050 Linestrium x 2,250 Stralonite x 1,200 Power Use: 0.2625 Crew Need: 0.15 | Reduction = 10,000km per HS. |
Shield Generator | Covallium x 1,500 Gollastrium x 750 Habalon x 1,500 Power Use: 1.125 Crew Need: 0.1875 |
Stasis Bay | Linestrium x 750 Stralonite x 300 Zenium x 1,500 Power Use: 1.125 Crew Need: 0.1125 |
Sublight Engine | Fanthium x 1,500 Gollastrium x 750 Rostium x 7,050 Power Use: 0.75 Crew Need: 0.1875 |
Sublight Fuel Tank | Intransium x 300 Kinetium x 150 Rostium x 6,000 Power Use: 0.0375 Crew Need: 0.0375 |
Terraforming Module | Gollastrium x 3,000 Linestrium x 3,000 Paxarium x 750 Power Use: 1.125 Crew Need: 0.375 |
Vessel Scan System | Stralonite x 4,500 Pandorium x 150 Paxarium x 300 Power Use: 1.5 Crew Need: 2 |