NPC Contracts

NPC Contracts

Standard Contracts

NPC Contracts are the primary way for an Aerospace company to get into a profitable state, unless they are able to acquire enough player launches (In the future). Below is an image of a couple of jobs available, and below the image, an explaination.

  • The number on the top left is the unique mission ID, this can be used in the instance of needing a support ticket opened.

  • Below the UID is the country that is offering the mission. This currently has no impact reputationally, but there is a chance that country may give you a few political points on top of any bux payment.

  • The next column shows the mission type. Currently there are two types.

    • Type 1: Flight Testing: These are simply getting a rocket to the specified height.

    • Type 2: Sensor Data; These require you to get to the mission height, and also collect sensor data with a sensor suite.

  • The third column shows the minimum required height (On the left) for the mission to succeed. The number on the right is currently not in use, but you should aim to go no more than 50km past the mission mark.

  • The 4th column is a work in progress feature and will show any payload category required, and how much weight you will be required to lift to the specified height or orbit. Payload “G” means no payload is required.

  • The 5th column is the expected payout for the mission for completing it successfully. A failure yields no payout, and in the future, may even include penalties and reputation loss!

  • The final column is where you accept a mission. Only accept a mission you are adequately sure you can perform. You have approximately 1 week to complete the mission once accepted.


Research Contracts

Once you have a functioning space station, you can move on to providing research contracts to NPCs and players. These contracts can pay out handsomely in comparison to smaller launches, but require you to have a space station, maintain it’s condition, have astronauts aboard (And cycled out regularly) and keep your astronauts supplied! No easy task! This is a peek of what the research mission screen looks like.. more coming soon!


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