


  • Fixed issue that could allow harvest in certain situations with cotton without proper harvester.

  • Fixed issue that would sometimes allow harvesting without an auger wagon selected.


  • Fixed a bug making Crabbing sales not register correctly in the ledger.

Diamond Den

  • Prepared for future release of United Production perk, will be available only via donation special until shop release in approximately 2 weeks.

  • Prepared for future release of Around the World - Mexico truck, will be available only via donation special until shop release in approximately 2 weeks.


  • Fixed inability to transfer if a decommissioned semi was stuck on a plot.

  • Updated redirects on transfer error to show error instead of malicious attempt.


  • LE & Rookie vouchers can now be used to get vehicles. Please keep in mind that at this time there is no guarantee that every LE's features will all work. We are still working through these in the new system and it may take a couple weeks before we feel comfortable saying all are covered, so as always, try and have patience!

  • All ports added to world shipping map, now completely up to date.

  • Added functionality to live status for loading equipment and hauling to mine sites, and unloading/loading at mine sites.

  • Brought back in the feature to view staff details page. Easily accessed for truck drivers from the details page of the truck they are driving.

  • Reformatted driver details page to use all revamp items.

  • Added ability to give drivers xp from company xp pool.

  • Made certification form dynamic to only present certifications you do not yet have for the selected driver.

  • Added functionality to load and unload semis at construction sites, as well as send back out after arrival.

  • Added display of certifications to detailed truck view page.

  • Fixed issue that could cause semis to lose their origin city when going to a construction site with or without equipment.

  • Gave back city data to the few trucks that had lost it due to the above bug.

  • Fixed a bug that would remove semi from ownership, but not remove it from the facility, therefore locking the facility down, preventing it from being transferred. (Old Decoms)

  • Next train button will no longer select Tandem trains.

  • New Port: Copenhagen, Denmark

  • Removed ability to assign a group tag to semis as this is currently under development still.


  • Made sure that private sale political point items always show up at the top of your page.


  • Fixed a bug allowing players to start research as soon as they put research buildings into construction.

Resource Acquisition

  • Reopened resource area. Please note that currently we do NOT want anyone selling plots or transferring plots. We will advise when this is possible.

  • Added the ability to mark land. Marking land takes no time and is cost-free. This is the first step to prospecting in the new manner.

  • Added the ability to surface, subsurface and core drill plots to find out resources and information about the sites.

  • Mining drills can now core drill. The cheaper version takes 30 mins per acre, the more expensive is 10 minutes per acre.

  • More info on how to prospect can be found in the new wiki article.

  • Opened up the ability to fire up pit mines. Again this is a whole new system, and we highly recommend reading the wiki article that has been written. READ THE Wiki!

  • Equipment can no longer be spawned into a mine from a store, it must be hauled in.

  • All mines can now have equipment brought to them. Keep in mind that currently only prospecting and pit mining is possible.

  • Fixed bug where some oil plots were not sellable, but others were (Remember no sales yet.)

Political Points

  • Added ability to utilize political points to give back land to the government that has already been opened as a mine but not finished or not cleaned up. It costs 3 political points per acre to do this, due to the costs involved with closing a site by the government, and can be done from the resource page that lists all your plots in a given city.

Resource Exchange

  • Fixed issue that could cause problems with transferring raw materials from warehouse to warehouse in limited situations.

  • Added error and success messaging to warehouse transfers of raw materials.


  • Added documentation on Mine Prospecting.

  • Added documentation on starting a Pit Mine.


  • Closed out May Fishing Tournament, started June fishing tournament for Northern Pike.

  • Added new 404 redirect for missing pages, long overdue so no more white screens of death when a link is bad for whatever reason.

  • Prepped weekend releases for DD and OC.

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