


  • Turned back on generation and delivery of land auctions.

  • Turned back on generation of mystery auctions.

  • Turned back on generation of structure auctions.


  • Added in smart detection for warehouses on field creation if you create a new field and do not yet have a warehouse in that city, it will now create one for you to prevent lost crops.

  • Reimplemented ability to purchase horses. Horses will have a random gender, and a random coat color. Only very basic coat colors are possible from NPC purchase, as well as low end stats. However they may carry recessive traits and over the course of training and breeding through generations, you can get new coat variants as well as championship bloodlines! This takes work through multiple generations and only the best breeders will compete at the top levels, but there will be competitions for all ranges!


  • Added ATW - Indonesia truck to Diamond Den

  • Added ATW - Cambodia truck to Diamond Den

  • Added CHOO CHOO! Perk, allows trains to travel 5x as quick to their destination, and use 1/5th of the fuel. One time use, consumable.


  • Fixed issue with batch transferring all agricultural equipment from one subsidiary to another.

  • Fixed issue that would allow transferring of lowboys that have equipment on them, as this would cause the equipment to go 'ghost' mode once in new company and unloaded.


  • Fixed issue causing next and previous page buttons to not work properly in some instances for Yachts.

  • Turned on certified load generation for semis.

  • Extended job expiration time on new semi loads to 96 hours from 48 hours, which should help ensure a more steady trickle of job availability.

  • Increased spawn rates for all types of semi loads.

  • Added ability to use the new CHOO CHOO perk with trains on dispatching them out.

  • Adjusted maximum expiration timer on certified loads to make these loads that pay better more opportunity grabs.

  • Adjusted load expiration timers so that a load never 'Expires' after it's maximum delivery date, so no more taking a load and it immediately not being attachable.

  • Logistics Loads for Suez Canal Project resume!

  • Made adjustments to load spawn algorithms for all types of semi loads for better distribution and diversity of load types and destinations.

  • Refilled all bunker ships (will happen at midnight or so 9-9) that had their personal holds unable to be filled, and temporarily removed consumption of fuel when relocating a bunkering ship. This is a temporary fix to the refueling issue for bunkering ships so that the primary fix can be done with ship revamp in the near future.

  • Fixed issue with ships not leaving repair mode after module installation completes. This should now always occur within 1 hour of completion. Keep in mind, I'm still looking through the Commanders Order Module to make sure everything is operating correctly, however you atleast won't have ships stuck in installation mode now!

  • Fixed issue that would allow players to sell a tandem train in some instances.

  • Fixed inability to sell electric trains.

Player Business

  • Created backend framework for hiring agencies, expected first baby deployment within 30 days.


  • Readded the ability to transfer research buildings. In order to do so, the building must be "Inactive" to transfer between subsidiaries.

  • Added in 85 various research tree items across several industries.

  • Began research tree branch for banking

  • Began research tree branch for insurance

  • Began research tree branch for hiring agency

Resource Acquisition

  • Fixed issue with mulching being finished and then returning. However any plot that had the brush cleared will need to have it recleared.

  • Made adjustment to wheel loader operation in tunnel mines that should prevent loss of material between paydirt pile and warehouse in select situations.

  • Finalizing the fix regarding oil stuff, will push out this weekend as I found one more bug in internal testing that I need to ensure is resolved.


  • Removed ability to decom old semis

  • Removed ability to decom old construction equipment.

  • Set goal bar and stretch goal for September

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